Assigning variables

Configure Spin Apps using values from Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets.

By using variables, you can alter application behavior without recompiling your SpinApp. When running in Kubernetes, you can either provide constant values for variables, or reference them from Kubernetes primitives such as ConfigMaps and Secrets. This tutorial guides your through the process of assigning variables to your SpinApp.

Note: If you’d like to learn how to configure your application with an external variable provider like Vault or Azure Key Vault, see the External Variable Provider guide

Build and Store SpinApp in an OCI Registry

We’re going to build the SpinApp and store it inside of a registry. Move into the apps/variable-explorer directory and build the SpinApp we’ve provided:

# Build and publish the sample app
cd apps/variable-explorer
spin build
spin registry push

Note that the tag at the end of indicates how long the image will last e.g. 1h (1 hour). The maximum is 24h and you will need to repush if ttl exceeds 24 hours.

For demonstration purposes, we use the variable explorer sample app. It reads three different variables (log_level, platform_name and db_password) and prints their values to the STDOUT stream as shown in the following snippet:

let log_level = variables::get("log_level")?;
let platform_name = variables::get("platform_name")?;
let db_password = variables::get("db_password")?;

println!("# Log Level: {}", log_level);
println!("# Platform name: {}", platform_name);
println!("# DB Password: {}", db_password);

Those variables are defined as part of the Spin manifest (spin.toml), and access to them is granted to the variable-explorer component:

log_level = { default = "WARN" }
platform_name = { default = "Fermyon Cloud" }
db_password = { required = true }

log_level = "{{ log_level }}"
platform_name = "{{ platform_name }}"
db_password = "{{ db_password }}"

For further reading on defining variables in the Spin manifest, see the Spin Application Manifest Reference.

Configuration data in Kubernetes

In Kubernetes, you use ConfigMaps for storing non-sensitive, and Secrets for storing sensitive configuration data. The deployment manifest (config/samples/variable-explorer.yaml) contains specifications for both a ConfigMap and a Secret:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: spinapp-cfg
  logLevel: INFO
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: spinapp-secret
  password: c2VjcmV0X3NhdWNlCg==

Assigning variables to a SpinApp

When creating a SpinApp, you can choose from different approaches for specifying variables:

  1. Providing constant values
  2. Loading configuration values from ConfigMaps
  3. Loading configuration values from Secrets

The SpinApp specification contains the variables array, that you use for specifying variables (See kubectl explain spinapp.spec.variables).

The deployment manifest (config/samples/variable-explorer.yaml) specifies a static value for platform_name. The value of log_level is read from the ConfigMap called spinapp-cfg, and the db_password is read from the Secret called spinapp-secret:

kind: SpinApp
  name: variable-explorer
  replicas: 1
  executor: containerd-shim-spin
    - name: platform_name
      value: Kubernetes
    - name: log_level
          name: spinapp-cfg
          key: logLevel
          optional: true
    - name: db_password
          name: spinapp-secret
          key: password
          optional: false

As the deployment manifest outlines, you can use the optional property - as you would do when specifying environment variables for a regular Kubernetes Pod - to control if Kubernetes should prevent starting the SpinApp, if the referenced configuration source does not exist.

You can deploy all resources by executing the following command:

kubectl apply -f config/samples/variable-explorer.yaml

configmap/spinapp-cfg created
secret/spinapp-secret created created

Inspecting runtime logs of your SpinApp

To verify that all variables are passed correctly to the SpinApp, you can configure port forwarding from your local machine to the corresponding Kubernetes Service:

kubectl port-forward services/variable-explorer 8080:80

Forwarding from -> 80
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80

When port forwarding is established, you can send an HTTP request to the variable-explorer from within an additional terminal session:

curl http://localhost:8080
Hello from Kubernetes

Finally, you can use kubectl logs to see all logs produced by the variable-explorer at runtime:

kubectl logs -l

# Log Level: INFO
# Platform Name: Kubernetes
# DB Password: secret_sauce