Upgrading to v0.4.0

Instructions on how to navigate the breaking changes v0.4.0 introduces.

Spin Operator v0.4.0 introduces a breaking API change. The SpinApp and SpinAppExecutor are moving from the spinoperator.dev to spinkube.dev domains. This is a breaking change and therefore requires a re-install of the Spin Operator when upgrading to v0.4.0.

Migration steps

  1. Uninstall any existing SpinApps.

    Note: Back em’ up! TODO

    kubectl get spinapps.core.spinoperator.dev -o yaml > spinapps.yaml
    kubectl delete spinapp.core.spinoperator.dev --all
  2. Uninstall any existing SpinAppExecutors.

    kubectl delete spinappexecutor.core.spinoperator.dev --all
  3. Uninstall the old Spin Operator.

    Note: If you used a different release name or namespace when installing the Spin Operator you’ll have to adjust the command accordingly. Alternatively, if you used something other than Helm to install the Spin Operator, you’ll need to uninstall it following whatever approach you used to install it.

    helm uninstall spin-operator --namespace spin-operator
  4. Uninstall the old CRDs.

    kubectl delete crd spinapps.core.spinoperator.dev
    kubectl delete crd spinappexecutors.core.spinoperator.dev
  5. Modify your SpinApps to use the new apiVersion. Now you’ll need to modify the apiVersion in your SpinApps, replacing core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1 with core.spinkube.dev/v1alpha1.

    Note: If you don’t have your SpinApps tracked in source code somewhere than you will have backed up the SpinApps in your cluster to a file named spinapps.yaml in step 1. If you did this then you need to replace the apiVersion in the spinapps.yaml file. Here’s a command that can help with that:

    sed 's|apiVersion: core.spinoperator.dev/v1alpha1|apiVersion: core.spinkube.dev/v1alpha1|g' spinapps.yaml > modified-spinapps.yaml
  6. Install the new CRDs.

    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/spinkube/spin-operator/releases/download/v0.4.0/spin-operator.crds.yaml
  7. Re-install the SpinAppExecutor.

    kubectl apply -f https://github.com/spinkube/spin-operator/releases/download/v0.4.0/spin-operator.shim-executor.yaml

    If you had other executors you’ll need to install them too.

  8. Install the new Spin Operator.

    # Install Spin Operator with Helm
    helm install spin-operator \
    --namespace spin-operator \
    --create-namespace \
    --version 0.4.0 \
    --wait \
  9. Re-apply your modified SpinApps. Follow whatever pattern you normally follow to get your SpinApps in the cluster e.g. Kubectl, Flux, Helm, etc.

    Note: If you backed up your SpinApps in step 1, you can re-apply them using the command below:

    kubectl apply -f modified-spinapps.yaml
  10. Upgrade your spin kube plugin. If you’re using the spin kube plugin you’ll need to upgrade it to the new version so that the scaffolded apps are still valid.

    spin plugins upgrade kube