The following is a list of common error messages and potential troubleshooting suggestions that might assist you with your work.
SpinKube Support Policy
SpinKube provides support on a best-effort basis. For users who installed SpinKube manually following the documentation, please report issues in the Spin Operator repository. For installations via the Azure Marketplace, please open an issue in the Azure repository for assistance. If your issue is urgent, feel free to raise it in Slack.
Failure downloading the Helm chart
While the Spin Operator Helm chart is public and can be fetched anonymously, you may run into errors pulling the chart if you’ve previously authenticated with the registry but the authentication token has since expired.
The error would look something like the following:
helm install spin-operator \
--namespace spin-operator --create-namespace --version 0.4.0 --wait oci://
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "oci://" at version "0.4.0"
To fix, either re-authenticate with the registry with a valid token (e.g. docker login
) or log out of the registry and pull the chart anonymously (e.g. docker logout
No endpoints available for service “spin-operator-webhook-service”
When following the quickstart guide the following error can occur when running the kubectl apply -f
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": failed to call webhook: Post "https://spin-operator-webhook-service.spin-operator.svc:443/mutate-core-spinkube-dev-v1alpha1-spinappexecutor?timeout=10s": no endpoints available for service "spin-operator-webhook-service"
To address the error above, first look to see if Spin Operator is running:
get pods -n spin-operator
spin-operator-controller-manager-5bdcdf577f-htshb 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 26m
If the above result (ready 0/2) is returned, then use the name from the above result to kubectl describe pod
of the spin-operator:
kubectl describe pod spin-operator-controller-manager-5bdcdf577f-htshb -n spin-operator
If the above command’s response includes the message SetUp failed for volume "cert" : secret "webhook-server-cert" not found
, please check the certificate. The spin operator requires this
certificate to serve webhooks, and the missing certificate could be one reason why the spin operator
is failing to start.
The command to check the certificate and the desired output is as follows:
kubectl get certificate -n spin-operator
spin-operator-serving-cert True webhook-server-cert 11m
Instead of the desired output shown above you may be getting the No resources found in spin-operator namespace.
response from the command. For example:
kubectl get certificate -n spin-operator
No resources found in spin-operator namespace.
To resolve this issue, please try to install the Spin Operator again. Except this time, use the
helm upgrade --install
syntax instead of just helm install
helm upgrade --install spin-operator \
--namespace spin-operator \
--create-namespace \
--version 0.4.0 \
--wait \
Once the Spin Operator is installed you can try and run the kubectl apply -f
command again. The issue should be resolved now.
Error Validating Data: Connection Refused
When trying to run the kubectl apply -f <URL>
command (for example installing the cert-manager
etc.) you may encounter an error similar to the following:
$ kubectl apply -f
error: error validating "": error validating data: failed to download openapi: Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused; if you choose to ignore these errors, turn validation off with --validate=false
This is because no cluster exists. You can create a cluster following the Quickstart guide.
Installation Failed
When trying to install a new version of a chart you may get the following error:
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: cannot re-use a name that is still in use
For example, if you have installed v0.14.0
of kwasm-operator using the following helm install
helm install \
kwasm-operator kwasm/kwasm-operator \
--namespace kwasm \
--create-namespace \
Reissuing the above command with the new version v0.15.0
will result in the following error -
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: cannot re-use a name that is still in use
. To use the same command
when installing and upgrading a release, use upgrade --install
(as referenced here in the
official Helm
documentation). For
helm upgrade --install \
kwasm-operator kwasm/kwasm-operator \
--namespace kwasm \
--create-namespace \
Cluster Already Exists
When trying to create a cluster (e.g. a cluster named wasm-cluster
) you may receive an error
message similar to the following:
FATA[0000] Failed to create cluster 'wasm-cluster' because a cluster with that name already exists
Cluster Information
With k3d
installed, you can use the following command to get a cluster list:
$ k3d cluster list
wasm-cluster 1/1 2/2 true
With `kubectl installed, you can use the following command to dump cluster information (this is much more verbose):
kubectl cluster-info dump
Cluster Delete
With k3d
installed, you can delete the cluster by name, as shown in the command below:
$ k3d cluster delete wasm-cluster
INFO[0000] Deleting cluster 'wasm-cluster'
INFO[0002] Deleting cluster network 'k3d-wasm-cluster'
INFO[0002] Deleting 1 attached volumes...
INFO[0002] Removing cluster details from default kubeconfig...
INFO[0002] Removing standalone kubeconfig file (if there is one)...
INFO[0002] Successfully deleted cluster wasm-cluster!
Too long: must have at most 262144 bytes
When running kubectl apply -f my-file.yaml
, the following error can occur if the yaml file is too
Too long: must have at most 262144 bytes
Using the --server-side=true
option resolves this issue:
kubectl apply --server-side=true -f my-file.yaml
Redis Operator
Noted an error when installing Redis Operator:
$ helm repo add redis-operator
"redis-operator" has been added to your repositories
$ helm repo update
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "redis-operator" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
$ helm install redis-operator redis-operator/redis-operator
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to install CRD crds/databases.spotahome.com_redisfailovers.yaml: error parsing : error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 4: did not find expected node content
Used the following commands to enforce using a different version of Redis Operator (whilst waiting on this PR fix to be merged).
$ helm install redis-operator redis-operator/redis-operator --version 3.2.9
NAME: redis-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Jan 22 12:33:54 2024
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
error: requires go version
When building apps like the
cpu-load-gen Spin app, you
may get the following error if your TinyGo is not up to date. The error requires go version 1.18
through 1.20
but this is not necessarily the case. It is recommended that you have the latest
go installed e.g. 1.21
and downgrading is unnecessary. Instead please go ahead and install the
latest version of TinyGo to resolve this error:
user@user:~/spin-operator/apps/cpu-load-gen$ spin build
Building component cpu-load-gen with `tinygo build -target=wasi -gc=leaking -no-debug -o main.wasm main.go`
error: requires go version 1.18 through 1.20, got go1.21
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